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Worcester,Mass - Places of the Past, St. Vincent's
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Run by the Sisters of Providence, St. Vincent Hospital was opened in 1893 on Vernon Hill.
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The following are comments left about St. Vincent's from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Run by the Sisters of Providence, St. Vincent Hospital was opened in 1893 on Vernon Hill.
Richard Card - Report this comment
I rememeber St Vincents' because in the night sky it looked like a big silouette of a train. It was just something you took for granted and used as a directional item.
I live in auburn, a nearby town, but i know a bit of information about it. It was torn down and replaced by the vernon hill plaza. the vernon hill plaza is now mostly abandoned, the building is not used except by a few doctors. The rest of the hospital was relocated to the worcester medical center, which was built in 1998. The vernon hill plaza is boarded up. will send a picture if possible.
If you want to see some really nice photographs of the evolution of St. Vincent's Hospital, from it's original buildings (as above) to it's current location at the Worcester Medical Center, visit the first floor at WMC, south wing, near the food court. They have several photos of the old buildings, operating rooms, patient wards, etc. on the wall.
Phil O'Donnell, CRT- December 21, 2014 - Report this comment
I took a series of photos, as they were tearing down the SalvationArmy store, Goodwill and the various churhes, etc, clearing theland for WMC, downto bare ground and Blackstone river. fromthe Falloin Dr building, across Central Blvd, 5th floor.

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